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Fully Automated GitHub Template Repositories

Posted on:May 26, 2024 at 06:53 PM

I prepared several GitHub template repositories with fully automated CI/CD workflows for continuous development and delivery of websites hosted on AWS in a secure, multi-stage team environment.

There are three template repositories:

Additionally, these template repositories feature end-to-end tests (e2e tests) and API tests with corresponding automated workflows executing tests against deployed environments.

Simple Static Website (SSG)

tpl-aws-website and tpl-aws-astro follow the Static Site Generation (SSG) pattern.

Simple Static Website Infrastructure Diagram

Jamstack Website (SSG + API)

tpl-aws-astro-lambda follows Jamstack approach with Static Site Generation and an API.

Application Infrastructure Diagram

Jamstack Website Infrastructure Diagram

Deployer Infrastructure Diagram

Jamstack Deployer Infrastructure Diagram